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Family Therapy

Our family shapes who we are and has a powerful influence on how we think, feel, and behave. Family life can feel warm and wonderful or it can sometimes feel overwhelming, chaotic, uncertain, and even unfulfilling. It can propel us forward or hold us back. Anyone seeking healthier, closer family relationships can benefit from family therapy.

Traditionally, a family usually consisted of parents and children. A family today can take on many forms, including blended family; extended family; foster and adoptive families; same-sex parented family; separated parent family; single parent family; and step-family. I will support your family unit– whatever its configuration may be.

Reasons for seeking family therapy may include:

  • Blended and step-family issues
  • Death of a family member
  • Child and adolescent emotional and behavioral issues
  • Problems between siblings
  • Illness and stress within the family
  • Separation and divorce
  • Co-parenting concerns
  • Family disputes and conflict
  • A feeling of disconnect between family members

It is common for one or two family members to initiate family therapy, with other family members joining in if and when they are ready. It is not necessary for the entire family to be present. In fact, family therapy can be incredibly helpful even if certain family members choose not to participate. I will collaborate with you to discuss a path forward and create space for those wishing to participate.

Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

~ Mary Anne Radmacher

How can I help?

My work with families often focuses on the following:

  • Communication strategies that promote empathy, understanding, and healthy boundaries
  • Breaking the cycle of family conflict by encouraging new ways of relating
  • Effectively and respectfully negotiating relationship needs
  • Learning to take responsibility for our own actions and reactions within the family context
  • Fostering a sense of safety, belonging, and understanding while promoting and balancing consistent discipline with nurturance

I am here to offer hope when it feels like your family life is falling apart. I will help you make sense of both past and present experiences, and examine patterns of relating and behaving so that you can develop a better relationship with yourself and with other family members. Reach out to me today to talk about how I can help your family regain its happiness.