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Parenting Support

There is no job as important or challenging as raising a good human. Although our children can bring incredible joy to our lives they can also bring a lot of frustration, anxiety, and stress. You may feel successful at many things– but all of a sudden, parenting just isn’t one of them.

Every parent needs a little help from time to time so I’m very glad you’re here.

Reasons for seeking parenting support may include:

  • Divorce, separation, blending families, or challenging co-parenting arrangements
  • Struggling to adjust to your new role and identity as a new parent
  • Communication challenges (tuning out, disrespect, talking back, etc)
  • Anger, tantrums, rebellion
  • Sibling relationships
  • Overall feeling of disconnect with your child
  • You are tired of yelling and time outs/consequences don’t seem to be working
  • Teen issues: drugs, sexuality, alcohol, school, peers, withdrawal from family
  • Technology and social media
  • Power struggles
  • Lack of structure and routine in your home and difficulty setting limits and sticking to them
  • Parenting with a partner that may not be on the same page as you with regards to discipline

"The funny thing about kids is, they are the reason we lose it. And the reason we hold it together."

How can I help?

My work with parents and caregivers often focuses on the following:

  • Leaning in and engaging in meaningful conversations with your child and/or partner
  • Responding to your child’s negative or risky behavior in more effective ways
  • Responding with intention to big feelings and challenging situations
  • Understanding parenting styles and how to get on the same page as your partner without anyone “winning” or “losing”
  • Having supportive conversations about major life changes, loss, and transitions
  • Bringing a sense of calm and order to your home
  • Maintaining and encouraging work-life-family balance so you no longer feel lost in the shuffle

You might be a parent, step-parent, grandparent, guardian, or caregiver. Whatever the struggle and whatever the circumstances you find yourself in, I’m here to help. Let’s connect today to find solutions that will work for you.