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Grief and Loss

Are you struggling to adjust to a “new normal”? Grief is a natural response to loss and often a natural response to change. Whether it be from the loss of a loved one, a pet, a relationship, pregnancy, job, or a way of life. Or perhaps your children are leaving home, or you’re struggling with infertility or being geographically separated from significant people in your life. Whatever it is, every loss is valid and these feelings of grief are real and they can be intense. 

The grieving process has no set pattern and is about as individual as you are. Though I will never know exactly what you’re feeling, little by little, pain and love can find new ways to coexist. Please allow me to support you. 

“Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried” 

~ Megan Devine

Reasons for seeking grief and loss focused therapy may include:

  • Feeling very alone or misunderstood even though you may be surrounded by people who care about you
  • Feeling unsure of what to do, what to say, what to feel, or where to turn
  • Constant questions running through your mind of ‘why’ and ‘if only’
  • You’re experiencing painful and extremely powerful emotions
  • You’re no longer feeling confident in your self and your identity
  • You’re finding that the more people try to help, the angrier you feel or the more you want to push them away
  • You’re supposed to be “the strong one” in a family that is also struggling with their own feelings of loss
  • You're having difficult and/or intrusive memories
  • Exacerbated family conflict and/or break down
  • Physical side effects: mental exhaustion, memory loss, insomnia, exhaustion, nightmares, dreams, weight changes, etc.

How can I help?

My work often focuses on the following:

  • Managing the vast range of thoughts and emotions you may be experiencing—sadness, anger, numbness, shock, anxiety, denial, guilt, relief, despair, helplessness, regret, etc.
  • Coping with difficult memories of your loved one’s illness, pain, and suffering
  • Learning to live in the reality of loss—navigating your ‘new normal’ and every day situations
  • Finding relief from distress and pain
  • Gaining acceptance and greater control over events that cannot be changed
  • Exploring how loss affects your thoughts, feelings, physical reactions, relationships, behaviors, and beliefs
  • Bringing renewed hope, understanding and improved coping

Sometimes it hurts more to pretend that it doesn’t hurt and it is perfectly okay to admit that you’re not okay. I wish I had exactly the right words, but just know that I care and that I’m here to support you when you’re ready.

“There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.”    -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow