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Rates & Insurance

“Ultimately, there’s one investment that supersedes all others: Investment in yourself”
~ Warren Buffett


The standard rate for a 60 minute individual therapy session and an initial parent-teen session is $175.

Sessions that include more than one individual, such as for parenting support, couples, or family therapy have a standard rate of $200 per 60 minute session.

All rates include taxes and any applicable service fees.


Many insurance providers offer full or partial coverage for the services of a Registered Psychotherapist. This depends on your health insurance or employee benefit plan. Please contact your provider to verify how your plan may compensate you for Psychotherapy services.

Payment & Receipts

For payment, I accept credit card or email money transfer only. For credit card payments, I can keep your information on file and charge the card on the day of your appointment. All payments are due on the day of your session.

Receipts will be provided for possible extended health benefit reimbursement, or income tax deduction. The receipt I provide you will clearly indicate my professional designation and registration number, as required by all insurance companies.

Cancellation and Missed Session Policy

If you must cancel your appointment, please ensure you provide 24 hours notice. The full rate of the session will be charged if the session is missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Any Other Questions?

Please contact me with any additional questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!